I know it sounds strange when you look at it at hindsight - who in the right mind would willingly go out on their own? Wouldn't that be so awkward? I'd look like such a loser!
Uh... Who cares?
I promise you, as long as you look like you are content by yourself, you won't look like a loser. Don't put on a constipated face because you're thinking about others around you judging you negatively. Smile, look and feel fabulous for yourself! Besides, self-dates don't need to be in public.
Honestly I wasn't sure what a self-date was until I watched a few Buzzfeed videos and I'm very glad I did. If you've been following my posts you've probably noticed that I believe taking time to reflect is never a bad answer, so any time you give yourself for yourself is always a big thumbs up!
You are guaranteed to run into a situation where some time to yourself is needed. Hmm... Let's see...
You are guaranteed to run into a situation where some time to yourself is needed. Hmm... Let's see...
You are guaranteed to find yourself in a stressful state after working too much unless you're a bit of a workaholic or actually enjoy studying, but even if you are, everyone has their limits. Take a breather! When was the last time you went to the park? While you're taking a stroll, get an ice cream cone, drink some to-go coffee or tea, eat a breakfast bar... whatever! By all means have a full meal out by yourself. Take some time out - you deserve it and you know it. - Too. Many. People.
Everyone ends up feeling like they haven't had enough alone time at some point. Even if you're an extrovert, don't deny that some days you just feel like keeping to yourself. Being around people can be quite claustrophobic sometimes. Maybe it was time you went to that fairly new restaurant in town, or had a peak at the new exhibition at that museumt... wherever and whatever, have some time in your own thoughts by treating yourself out on a date. - UGH! AAAAAHHHH!!
Feeling a little hotheaded? It happens. Maybe a nice cinema self-date is the best cure for the frustration or anger you're feeling towards something or someone. Hey, that new comedy looks good - why not give it a watch? You probably never liked sharing popcorn anyway. - Wow. I'm pretty awesome.
I don't know about you, but when I feel good about myself I reward myself. Treat yourself somewhere nice; go shopping, eat out, play games, Netflix and pizza with yourself... When you realise how awesome you are, show yourself just how much. - It's just emotion taking me over.
Sometimes EVERYTHING gets a little too much. All those emotions just piling up inside of you need to be released. A self-date doesn't need to be outside in public; if you want to crawl back into your cosy hole, have a date in your room with some chocolate, crisps and a sad movie. Release those emotions, cry yourself a river - it's okay. - Yaaaaaawn...
Why not treat yourself out of boredom? The many times we end up getting bored is because we aren't looking forward to something or the thing we're looking forward to is so close, yet so far. To pass the time, why not excite yourself by planning a day-long date with yourself? You could go to another town, visit a farm, take a few scenic pictures, eat some local delicacies... List a bunch of stuff down and tick them off as you go about your day!
There are so many things you could do by yourself. It's always nice to just have some you-time where you don't have to worry about what you say to someone or any awkward moments that could occur.
Self-dates are for you and you only.
In the words of an odd, inspirational man... JUST DO IT!!!
~ glessabella
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